At a time when our country is being torn apart politically, with murders in our schools and gathering places, only JESUS has the power to bring us together.
Evil and God cannot exist at the same time in a person. They are mutually exclusive. I vote for God!!!
Let us all celebrate Jesus' birthday with the
Greatest Party Ever this Christmas Season!
Dates and Places To Be Announced
in partnership with

The Event
Dates and Places To Be Announced

One Day of Unity & Giving
There are lines to see Santa all over the USA. Why not also a line to see Jesus in every community?
Plan a Living Nativity in your community with a mini music festival.
Request attendees to bring a toy/gift to be given to the Baby Jesus and then shared with needy children within your own community through the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots or other local charity organization.
This will bring you many new opportunities to support and spread the true meaning of Christmas, the Birth of Jesus and the need for a rebirth of Christian Family Values in the USA.

What is Line to See Jesus?
Dates and Places To Be Announced
The days after Thanksgiving are the “official” beginning of the Christmas Season, at least by retailer’s standards. The hustle-and-bustle of holiday shopping begins very early on ‘Black Friday’ with many hectic shoppers and lines … as well as lines in many places to see Santa Claus.
Let’s give pause and go into the Christmas Season with a big celebration of the true meaning of Christmas! Let’s have the biggest Birthday Celebration and a “LINE TO SEE JESUS”.
The LINE TO SEE JESUS event will be an event to usher in the Christmas Season by bringing together local Churches to connect with the Community.
Have your Church and/or group within your Church take part in this Event – giving your church ample opportunity to:
Invite your members, family, & friends to the Birthday Celebration;
Join together with other Christians to welcome in this joyous Christmas Season;
Interact with other Event attendees to introduce what is going in in the life of your church;
Invite folks to events your Church may have going on this Christmas (regularly scheduled service times, special sermon series topics, Christmas service times, special church events, etc).
Event is being planned as follows:
Line to See Jesus:
Small Living Nativity.
Attendees encouraged to bring an unwrapped gift that will be given to children in need by Toys for Tots, Fort Pierce Police Department; and Sarah’s Kitchen
Color Guard;
Community Churches with areas set-up to celebrate together and connect with the public;
Area churches/special groups will present music
(we would love for your church/group to join in);
Food Trucks;
Prayer Tent;
Moments throughout event of open prayer.
Join ~the Line To See Jesus
Dates and Places To Be Announced
Bring a table (or more) to the Event to present the Life Of Your Church to the attendees.
There is NO CHARGE to participate in this Event.
Invite your church members, family and friends! Spread the word.
Tell your members at your services’ announcements;
Put an announcement in your Bulletins;
Handout Flyers to area businesses to garnish further engagement;
Put announcement in your Email communications;
Post on Facebook; Instagram; etc. Encourage your folks to “Like" & “Share”.
To help you spread the word:
A (pdf) Flyer that can be printed and handed out;
A (jpeg) Photo/Image that can be used to Post on Social Media, put into church Bulletins, share on Email, etc.
Billboard & Banner Program
How do we bring Christian Values back into our society?
The plan has been developed for you to easily implement your "local" initiative to help spread the word throughout our Great Nation!
Watch this brief YouTube video....
During last year’s Christmas Season, this billboard was purchased by the group American Atheists. As per their spokesperson, they wanted to "...give the Religious Right a taste of what war on Christmas looks like."

In the Christian spirit of righteousness rather than vindictiveness, isn't it time that Christianity in the USA stand up for Jesus, His Values and the GOOD He brings to us, our Nation & the World?
Below is OUR Billboard message to be supported this Christmas Season...

...and here is a version that you can select as a Banner...

Wouldn't it be wonderful to see these Billboards and Banners on our roads, highways and community church properties? Spreading the message countrywide and inviting Christians as well as non-Christians to...
Come Join The Celebration!
It's My Birthday ~Jesus
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this welcoming invitation to celebrate His birthday all over our great country?
Would your Church, School or Non-Profit group want to obtain a 3' x 8' Banner to promote this joyous message?
Would your organization want to "Go BIG" and sponsor this message on a Billboard in your local community?
Please join together and plan your celebration! Promote this Organized Message!
* Billboard arrangements have been made with ClearChannel Inc. Simply contact ClearChannel directly to obtain pricing and availability in your area. They can handle any area in the lower 48 states of the USA.
To coordinate the Billboard program click here to email Mike Ballanger (mikeballanger@clearchannel.com) or Call at 772-678-6371. Advise that you wish to get more information on the "Merry Christmas - Its My Birthday - Join the Celebration" Billboard.
* Banner arrangements have been made with Big A Marketing. To order your banner email info@bigamarketing.com or call 772-634-3631.
Your cost for the LARGE banner will be $95. The LARGE banner is an 8' x 3' Full Color.
Your cost for the SMALL banner will be $70. The SMALL banner is a 5' x 1'.8" Full Color.
Banners are Outdoor-grade 13oz Mesh Vinyl with Grommets/Hems. This price includes your organization's name printed on the banner and includes shipping anywhere in the lower 48 states.
Let us know of your interest to promote this organized message in your area by purchasing the "Merry Christmas-Its My Birthday-Join the Celebration" Banner.
Suggestions to fund Billboard/Banner costs:
Request your congregation or group members to make contributions to cover the cost.
"Individual family (or group of families) pool funds together as a sponsor and be named "Friends of Jesus."
Group of Churches/Schools/Organizations together share the cost.
Initiate contact with school alumni members to sponsor billboards and/or banners.
Contact businesses in your local community, especially those that benefit financially from Christmas sales.
Birthdays for us, our children, parents, family & friends are some of the best times we all have during the year. Now more than ever, our nation needs a Righteous Celebration.
We should remain proud of all that Christianity has brought to us and our world!
Let’s Celebrate the JOY of the Season!!!
Merry Christmas...It's My Birthday! Join The Celebration!
~ Jesus
Businesses, Individuals & Groups - become a sponsor for the event supporting a rebirth of Christian Family Values in the USA.
We have made the process as simple as possible! Sponsorship of the LINE TO SEE JESUS EVENT involves:
Your name on a sign at the event
A one-time $100 cost
1/2 of the sponsorship ($50) will go to your church/school or charitable organization
1/2 of the sponsorship ($50) will go to the cost of the event, billboard & charitable contributions
All you need to do is to collect or make $100 sponsorship checks payable to the organization you wish to support and ask them to make and send a check for $50 of each sponsorship to Saint Mark's Church.
That's all there is to it! If you have any questions before you get started, feel free to contact us!

The ChristWreath is a symbol of Jesus being born to Mary and Joseph... thereby forming the start of The First Christian Family. Through Christ's teachings, His values have been given to all of us.
It is the family's responsibility to live and teach these values. All of Jesus' teachings are important in the world we live in. They are the CORE VALUES we need to reinforce in our children, families, communities and our government.
1) Engage and Challenge the Christian Community to Keep Christ in Christmas.
2) Reaffirm the pride of what Christian Family Values have brought to our lives and our country.
3) The message to bring forward will be not just words but actions that exhibit the meaning of Christian Family Values.
The new 3-R’s... Respect - Responsibility - Righteousness
Children and Family are the primary focus of our mission with a goal of improving the Entire Fabric of FAMILY
The 3 R's
Respect - Responsibility - Righteousness
To think very highly or favorably of.
* The one that we owe the greatest amount of respect to, after Jesus, is ourselves.
* Only if we truly respect ourselves first, as a special person created by God for a special purpose, are we able to demonstrate respect to others.
* The respect we show to our own family is of vital importance. Our children, spouse, mother, father, brothers, sisters, etc ALL deserve our respect.
* If we can’t respect those we love the most, how can we show respect to others such as teachers, police, military, ...?
The state of being the one who must meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so.
* We have a responsibility to teach our children the values needed for life as they grow.
* We have a responsibility to:
~ provide for our own earthly needs
~ care for the elderly, disabled and the poor
~ teach and direct our children what is necessary to live a Christian Life
~ teach our children to contribute to our community and create a better world through Christian Values
Conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong.
* Why is it that today's culture has difficulty understanding between right -and- wrong?
* We must teach our children through example what is right:
~ when we interact with our family
~ when we interact with our friends, neighbors and community
~ when we deal with our various government bodies
Venue Location:
1302 Virginia Ave.
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
1 Mile West of U.S.1

Support LINE TO SEE JESUS by participating in our celebration!
You can register your organization for a booth at the event and let us know if you intend to have music or a choir.
Contract us and join the party!